join me as i knit & crochet for charity!

I've been talking about knitting and crocheting for charity since around 2006.  For some reason or another, I was never able to set aside time and do it.  Ultimately, that's pretty selfish.  Considering I love my hobby, the least I can do is create something that helps other people.

That's why I've decided to spend the rest of 2011 donating to one charity per month.

First up is World Vision Knit for Kids.  Choose from one crochet pattern or two knitting patterns to create a child-sized sweater that will be donated to kids across the world!  I'm almost done with the sleeves and yoke of one side, and have already created the body for the other.  I'll post a photo when I'm done (of course!), but it works up so quickly.  I started it on Sunday night and have gotten that far already.  I'd love to have one knit, as well, by the end of September... so we'll see how my schedule goes with classes starting again next week (gross).

In October, I'll be starting my Scarves for Special Olympics project.  This is one charity in particular that I keep saying I'll help out with and never do.  So I bought enough of the official yarn to make two scarves, and that will be my goal.  Check out their website for deadlines in your area - in PA, ours is February 2nd (I think).  I wanted to get my two scarves done earlier in case I decided to make more... but at least I'd have those done.

Then comes November, when I'll be creating bears for the Mother Bear Project.  I first heard of this charity a few years ago on Knitty Gritty and always wanted to help out.  Well, I finally donated $5 two weeks ago, so I have my knit pattern ready to go.  They also offer a crochet pattern for anyone who doesn't knit.  If you haven't heard of the project, you create bears in one piece (they're super simple), stuff them, and mail them to MN where team members stitch a red felt heart over the bear's heart.  The bears are then sent all over Africa and to parts of Haiti.

I'm still debating if I want to do something in December because that's usually when I go nuts creating my Christmas gifts (though I know what I'm making this year and have already ordered the yarn, so maybe I can get an early start).  If you have any suggestions, let me know!

If you'd like to join me in my effort, check out my Facebook page's events and RSVP!  We can consider it an online knit/crochet-a-long.  I'd love to know if others are participating with me.  Plus, maybe it'll help with my motivation.  I'm already hitting a wall in this child's sweater.  Not because it's not fun and easy, but because I'm getting new-project-itis where I want to do 20 other projects, as well.