After seeing everyone's beautiful Tour de Fleece photos on Instagram, I may have been re-bitten by the spinning bug.
Knowing I had some fiber samples sitting around since Christmas, as well as a small 2oz braid of fiber I'm saving for a special occasion (ie: when my spinning doesn't suck), I dug out my pink drop spindle and went at it again. I wouldn't say it's going badly; I wouldn't say it's going well, either...
I'm still not participating in Tour de Fleece because my skills are BEYOND not up to par, nor do I have the dedicated time needed due to some exciting custom orders that have come my way, but I'm hoping my renewed spinning vigor will get me to a passable skill level.
The good news is, I spun all that green fiber without once breaking the fiber. That's a huge accomplishment, in and of itself. Progress is sure, but slow.
In other news, I'm:
Reading: The Cases That Haunt Us
Knitting: ZigZag Scarf 2
Spinning: Hobbledehoy Rainbow Tidbits, hand-dyed merino wool on my Hogg Wild Fibers top whorl spindle