Hi, friend! Thanks for joining me on yet another Beer Knits journey. It’s been a long pause since my last episode for a number of reasons, mainly that I had full body poison ivy for over three weeks so I refused to be on camera. I’m a jerk and still owe videos and write-ups to a few people as a result of that - I legit felt like I was melting.
This episode, I had quite a few ongoing projects to show you because we’re all mostly confined to our houses (or should be) and crafts and books are the only reason I’m not standing in my yard, screaming at the sky.
Here’s what I showed off:
Infinite Hope, a test knit I made for my friend, Erin.
Knitting Projects
Cross Stitch Projects
I’ve been playing around with new apps, plus a new editing style that I’m stealing from my favorite true crime/murder channels. I know, weird inspo. Point being: I’m not sure if I like the app I used to record because the sound doesn’t seem to line up correctly and it starts to skip toward the end when… I guess my phone started overheating? I’m not sure. Let me know what you think!
In the meantime, I’m…
Reading: Ghosts of Harvard
Watching: Stephanie Harlow’s Coffee + Crime Time. I recently caught up on her Harloween series from last year and I’m really looking forward to 2020’s (partially because there’s not much to look forward to in 2020).