[LIFE STUFF] Valentine's Day Challenge


This Valentine’s Day, I feel lucky to have met someone who adds to my life in the way that Scott does. In previous relationships, I feel like I was looking for someone to complete me and fill some hole society said I was meant to have if I didn’t have a significant other. That feeling - looking to complete myself - contributed to a few pretty toxic relationships I should have bowed out of earlier than I did, but felt like I couldn’t out of obligation to… the world? I dunno. It’s pretty weak reasoning when you think about it, but I think we can all agree that societal pressures to wife up the older you get can feel like a huge weight on your shoulders. That’s not to say everyone I dated was terrible; we just weren’t right for each other and I spent way too long forcing things to work so people wouldn’t be disappointed in me than moving on and finding someone like Scott, who made me realize I’m a complete person with or without him, but our role as partners is to bring out the best in each other.

Turns out I’m a sap.

In honor of Valentine’s Day (which, yes, is a BS Hallmark holiday, I get it, but maybe quiet down and let people enjoy things), I thought I’d kick off my new “Life Stuff” section by posting the Valentine’s Day Challenge I saw floating around Facebook this year. Feel free to tell me your story!

Where did you meet: Bumble. We chatted for a week to determine if the other was psycho before meeting.

First date: Impromptu meet up at 313. We didn’t intend to meet that night, but it happened anyway. I was wearing a Father John Misty t-shirt, ripped jean shorts, glasses, and had kind of brushed my hair, and yet for some reason, we’re still here.

How long have you all been together: August 2019

Age difference: 3.5 years (I’m the old hag)

Who was interested first: Technically Scott because we matched when I swiped

Who is taller: He is, until I wear heels, bwahahaha (if we ever go out again)

Who said I love you first: He did

Most impatient: Definitely me. It happens now or hear me scream.

Most sensitive: I don’t really think either of us are sensitive. I guess if we had to pick, it would be me. We kind of just make fun of each other all day, though.

Most stubborn: Me. Again. Usually for no reason.

Loudest: Me. You can hear me coming a mile away. I’m making myself sound like a real catch here.

Falls asleep first: He does because he has to wake up at 4:30. I wake up, too, but then I roll over and fall asleep with the puppies.

Cooks better: He cooks, I bake. Unless it’s schnitzel or spaetzle, then I win.

Better morning person: What is morning? Definitely him.

Better driver: He thinks he is, but I’m a demon in my Mini. And if he thinks I’m a bad driver, he can drive to allllllll our vacation destinations.

Most competitive: Scott scoffed and said me, and that it’s insane that I have him beat because he is both stubborn and competitive. I have literally taken up hobbies just to prove to someone I hate I’m better at it than they are. Not sure if that’s competitive or petty, though.

Funniest: I think we’re both really mean and people think we’re joking.

Where do you eat out most as a couple? Random breweries (so food trucks) and we both really like Indian and Thai. Back before covid, we went to Tavern on Liberty a lot for their Wednesday pizza specials, but that might be it.

Who is more social? We’re both pretty social, but I’m usually texting a lot more to the point of annoyance

Who is the neat freak? Neither of us are good at tidying on the reg, but if someone is going to freak out about clutter, it’ll be me.

Who spends the most? I thought we spend about the same, but then Scott reminded me I just spent $300 on a 10-year-long cross stitch project and bunny wreath supplies and I’m like okay, might be me.

Where was your first kiss? After I woke up one morning post-terrible movie I picked out, probably La Llorona.

Do you get flowers often? When he wants to. It’s not an obligation, but I do love the surprise when he gets them.

How long did it take to get serious? I mean, we basically moved in together in March (after six months of dating).

Plans date night? He does. I plan enough at work all day. Just tell me where to be and when to show up. I’ll let you know if there’s something I wanna do.

Who picks where you go to dinner? Both usually, but mostly me right now since I’m doing Noom, the actual worst weight loss program ever.

Who cries more? I’ve cried in front of Scott maybe once in 1.5 years, so I guess me by default.

Who has more tattoos? Me because Scott is super straight edge and I was a rebel back in college with my ugly tribal heart tramp stamp.

Who sings better? Me #firstsoprano and he’s mad I answered it that fast

Hogs the remote? He does, unless he’s reading, and then I get all my YouTube Amberlynn Reid drama while I craft.