[FINISHED] Cthulhu Cross Stitch


Last Christmas, I gave Scott this Cthulhu cross stitch kit that I purchased from Spot Your Colors on Etsy. It may have taken a full seven months, but I finally sat down this week to wrap up our little green baby.

The hardest part, as with most cross stitch projects, was placing the outline correctly. Once that was down and I was confident everything lined up, it was really just filling the whole thing with green. Although that made for great mindless stitching, it also made for huge boredom, and I feel like I’m at a point with cross stitch where I’m not sure if I want to work on more complicated projects or something more simple. The complicated projects get frustrating because I have to keep stopping and starting all the colors, and the easy projects are - to put it bluntly - boring AF.

I still enjoy stitching, so I guess it’s only a matter of time before I figure out which type of project I prefer and hopefully get fast enough that changing colors frequently doesn’t irritate me. I mean, I don’t really have a choice since I just spent $300+ on a supersized HAED that will take me ten years to stitch, and that’s if I’m lucky.

I have about 40 more cross stitch projects on deck for the rest of the year, including a Stitch People wedding motif that I want to hang up at our reception, so we’ll see how far I get in the next few months. Life has been a little nutty, but in a good way. We’ve got all the boxes from my move in March cleaned out and put away (or shoved into the attic), so we’ve started hosting game nights with our vaccinated friends again and it’s been glorious. I know we’re not out of the woods yet thanks mostly to jackwagons who don’t believe in 20 years of mRNA science, but what little normalcy we’ve returned to has been nice. So with getting out of the house more and switching jobs and just overall trying not to be locked in our house, I have little confidence I’ll be stitching much, but wish me luck!