Today's shawl construction in the "5 Shawls, 5 Days Challenge" was the crescent shawl, obviously different to yesterday's triangle shawl in shape mostly because increases are worked every row, giving us a more rounded, moon-like edge. I cast on this afternoon when I went home to walk the dog on my lunch break, finishing up once I was home and still had some daylight left to snap a decent photo.
So far, I'm loving this challenge because I'm learning a lot with very little (30 minutes max) time investment while doing something I enjoy. And I get to document my progress along the way by posting photos to Instagram and seeing what everyone else is creating, too, using the #5shawls5days hashtag. Nothing like a creative group activity to get you back in the game.
Hosted by Frenchie of Aroha Knits, the "5 Shawls, 5 Days" challenge takes participants through a handful of standard shawl designs, teaching us the basic construction of five shapes that will help us on our own journeys into shawl design. Anyone participating in the official challenge will be entered to win her upcoming ebook, "Forming Shawls and Their Charts", which will be available soon!
Found out about the challenge too late? There's now a DIY version of the challenge available here. You won't be entered to win a copy of the book, but you can follow along with the tutorials and learn something new, which is always a win :)
You can keep track of all the shawl construction designs by visiting the project on my Ravelry page.