WE'VE MADE IT! Here we are at the final day of Frenchie's "5 Shawls, 5 Days" Challenge, which seems to have come and gone like a New York minute.
Today's mini project was the Square Shawl, a pattern that gave me more problems than I'd like to admit because I started on circulars. Circs are usually my best friend when it comes to knitting in the round, so I was surprised when that blew out the window (and I couldn't tell you why if I tried). I cast on again anyway and had better luck after Frenchie sent more in-depth instructions (and a correction!), so thankfully I was able to finish. I even joined tonight's Periscope session!
I know. Fridays never get less exciting when you're 32 and can't drink until Monday thanks to the 21DSD program you're on. Whatever, people; I'm happy.
PS: As I'm listening to tonight's Periscope, Frenchie just mentioned this is a good shape to start a top-down hat, so that'll be happening in some future designs. Maybe. Sorta. Well, I guess we'll see.
PPS: I switched over the service that delivers "You May Also Like" blog content today and it's taking forever to index my website, so the chances of you receiving static, unrelated articles at the bottom of this post are pretty good and I apologize. If it doesn't rectify itself soon, I'll be submitting a support ticket because I know it's super annoying.
About the Challenge
Hosted by Frenchie of Aroha Knits, the "5 Shawls, 5 Days" challenge takes participants through a handful of standard shawl techniques, teaching us the basic construction of five shapes that will help us on our own journeys into shawl design. Anyone participating in the official challenge will be entered to win her upcoming ebook, "Forming Shawls and Their Charts", which will be available soon!
Found out about the challenge too late? There's now a DIY version of the challenge available here. You won't be entered to win a copy of the book, but you can follow along with the tutorials and learn something new, which is always a win :)
You can keep track of all the shawl construction designs by visiting the project on my Ravelry page.
Have a Happy Easter Weekend!
I'll be visiting my family back "home" and will probably spend most of my Saturday rounding up a project or two to take with me since dying eggs doesn't seem to be in my cards for 2016. I just got some gorgeous Knit Picks yarn in the Graffiti Speckle Hawthorne colorway, so I'm hoping to start knitting a pair of Crenate socks after waking from my ham dinner coma. A girl can dream, anyway.